From the Blowing My Own Horn Department:

I was pleased and honored to see that the folks at The Prairies Book Review really enjoyed the first story about Alan Wright and The Little Red Hens in Eden Ridge: Where You Will Die.
In the main review, they said things like:
"A clever, engaging mystery with plenty of red herrings."
"Interestingly quirky characters add charm to a mystery packed with tension and suspense in Heath’s engrossing latest novel. "
"Throughout the intricately woven, engrossing narrative, Heath demonstrates how personal prejudices can affect a person’s behavior, leading to discrimination, ill will, and hostility."
They also posted to their BookView Review editorial website, awarding it five stars and saying:
Delightfully unpredictable characters, an endearing lead, and a visually delightful setting enhance Heath’s latest mystery.
calling it...
"... a potent, atmospheric, and wholly satisfying mystery. A must-read."
Wow. I'm a bit embarrassed (but not enough to not post it all over social media.)
BookView Review also posted an interview with me, discussing this book, and a little bit about my upcoming sequel, Killing Buddhas.
And about that sequel - I am working on a major developmental draft now, and doing all I can to publish it this fall Keep your eye out for upcoming announcements.
Meanwhile, if you haven't read the first book, here's your chance (It's a five-star winner, after all!)
Blatant Self-Promotion Section

My first novel, Where You Will Die, is available now exclusively on Amazon in Kindle and paperback.
"This philosophical mystery will captivate readers thanks to a winning cast and setting."- Kirkus Reviews
"Quirky, engaging whodunit." - Rick George, author of Sinister Refuge
"An enjoyable ride with a satisfying end." - Helen Reynolds, Reedsy Discovery
